Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Amsterdam Jubilee Crowns new Grand Marshal

When you are raised in a small community, you don't have a lot of things that those raised in a larger, more metro community might have. What we do have in a small community is the fellowship of family, friends and friends that make you feel like family.

This year our Grand Marshal is someone that has made so many of us feel like family.

She comes from a family that was deep rooted in community and family. A way of life that always made sure to give back, give a hand up or just a well deserved back on the back. She has instilled those same values in her own family, just as her parents did in her. Cementing another generation.

This year the Amsterdam Jubilee is proud to announce Karen Grimsley as our 2024 The Amsterdam Jubilee Grand Marshal.
Karen Crawford Grimsley, daughter of Harvey and Elenora Crawford, Eleonora, herself a former Grand Marshal and founding member of Jubilee.

She graduated from Miami High School, marrying the love of her life, Gary Grimsley, creating a family the community can be proud of.

Always the center of Gary and Karen's lives.
Together they raised 3 children.
Jimmie, lori and Kandy
All Miami Graduates.

Karen worked at Bass Buster Lures on the Amsterdam Main Street, drove the school bus for Miami, ensuring the safety of kids, to sporting events and field trips for almost 20 years.

She coached ball teams, volunteering her time at the school with whatever needed to be done.

She was always the biggest cheerleader in the stands, not just for her kids but for any child that stepped foot on a field, court or arena.
She remains that same enthusiastic supporter for her grandchildren and great grandchildren today.

Karen worked and retired from the Bates County Sheriff's department, serving her county with pride.

Today she is a member of the Amsterdam Friendship Club, she enjoys bowling and attends all the activities of her family,no matter if they be in Missouri, Oklahoma and Minnesota. She's not going to miss anything her bunch is involved in.

If you need anything or if anyone is in need, I promise you, she is the first to reach out and ask, "what can I do?"

That is who she is.

Loving, caring, giving and always thinking of the other person first. She is the first to pick you up when you are down.

It takes a special person to give of themselves before giving to themselves, that is who Karen is.

Her family is her reward
Jimmie and Joelle
Jeremiah, Jordan and family
Jessica, Dillion and family
Lori and Bob
Cody, Olivia and family
Jared, Jozie and family
Kandy and Brad
Jacey, Eric and family
Brooke, Mike and family
Shane and Emma

It is our honor to honor Karen as our 48th Annual Grand Marshal.

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