Sunday, August 11, 2024

Warsaw man drowns while fishing at the Lake of the Ozarks on Friday

A Benton County man drowned at Lake of the Ozarks on Friday, August 9, 2024. The incident occurred around 12:00 PM near the 90 mile marker of the lake.

The Missouri State Highway Patrol reported that Steven F. Bucklinger, a 69 year-old man from Warsaw was fishing from his 2002 Triton boat when he fell overboard for an unknown reason. Bucklinger was not wearing a flotation device at the time of the incident and drown.

After the incident, Bucklinger’s body was recovered and taken to Reser Funeral Home in Warsaw. The boat was towed from the scene and released to Bucklinger’s family.

Several members of the MSHP assisted in the response, including Sergeant B.N. Comer, Trooper C.S. Riley, Sergeant C.W. Hoff and Corporal B.V. Cole.

Courtesy of the Missouri State Highway Patrol

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