Monday, September 9, 2024

BCMH employee of the month for the month of September

We are happy to announce Kyrsten Jacobs has been named the Employee of the Month for September. Kyrsten is an accounting clerk in the Finance department. She has worked for BCMH since April 2018 when she was hired to the Registration Department in the Emergency Department, and she has filled her current role in Finance since 2021.
Kyrsten’s nominator stated, “Kyrsten is a very dedicated employee. She goes above and beyond to do her job duties. She works hard to make sure the ambulance charges are done well. It takes working well with other departments to get this accomplished.

Over the last few years, she has worked hard to learn all aspects of the finance department so that when one of her coworkers is off, she can easily step in and do their job duties. She greets everyone with a smile and no job is too big for her to accomplish. We are so lucky to have her on team BCMH.”

Kyrsten’s spirit of teamwork and her drive for accuracy and excellence are very much appreciated, and she deserves this recognition. Help us say kudos to Kyrsten!

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