Monday, September 9, 2024

Papinville Picnic set for September 28th

 The Papinville and Cemetery Assoc. met to make plans for the picnic. Many new things have been planned for this year’s activities. The menu for this year will be: fish fry, pork loin, potato salad, baked beans, green beans, cole slaw, bread, desserts, ice tea and lemonade. The dinner will be served at 5:30 and it is a freewill donation. 

The activities that are scheduled are: music 1:30, wagon ride to the bridge and information about the bridge 2:00, silent auction starts at 3 ending at 6, Children and adult games (this includes Chicken Poop and 50-50 drawing starts at 2, bingo with prizes 3, pie auction with a few other auction items that have been donated 4:00, crowning of the Papinville Princess 5:00. dinner served at 5:30. If you would like to donate an item to the silent auction, contact via text at 660-200-5620 so we can get the paperwork done. If you would like to enter the pie auction have the pie at the museum by 2:30. Entries are cream, fruit and other. A prize will be given for each first place and put your name on the pie. Children ages 6 -14 entries are the same as adults. If you bring a dessert for the dessert table or pie auction be sure it is in a throw away pan. 

This year we are celebrating the old wooden bridge that is on the National Historical Register. The bridge is 140 years old and it is one of a kind, that hasn’t been torn down. If you go on the wagon tour you will learn all about the history and a few other facts. We have a book that will be for sale with many facts and stories people have written about their memories of the bridge. You will read about some facts and memories in the Mid America Shopper and hear the stories on the radio in the next few weeks. We hope they will inspire you to come out to our picnic and celebrate this event. T shirts of the bridge will also so be for sale along with books of Papinville History.

Put this date on your calendar, September 28th and come and spend the afternoon for fun, listening to good music, learning about where Bates County got started, eating a good dinner and talking to old friends. Don’t forget to bring your lawn chairs. Until next week when you will get the rest of the story.                                                                                     Submitted by Phyllis Stewart

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