The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present.
Daniel Roberson came in for his scheduled meeting. He is requesting to have the late penalty fees removed from his personal property taxes. He has property in Hume that he is building a house on and had been living in a camper till it was damaged. It was in 2023 that he moved into Bates County and has not received an assessment for any personal property for 2023 or 2024. Nor did he know to come let the Assessor know what he had. He is only requesting the late fee for 2023 be waived. Jim stated that this is like the other one where he moved in and did not know how to report his personal property to the local Assessor.
Ken made the motion to waive the late penalty on the Trailer for 2023 because he never received an assessment sheet. Trent seconded. All voted yes. No opposition. Motion carried.
Jim went on telling him when moving how the counties or states do not talk to one another. It is the person’s responsibility to report what they own to the new county they reside in. Daniel asked how to get his title changed to the new residence. Jim explained you don’t have to necessarily, but you do the driver’s license. However, the license bureau should be able to help you. Jim went on to explain how to do a Transfer On Time of Death title and the benefits of that.
Lindsey Chaffin with Great River came in for the scheduled meeting. She brought an Engineering Services Contract for BRO-23 Bridge # 1260012 over Elk Creek to go over and be signed. The Construction Bid request should be posted in January with closing in late January or early February. Completion date is looking at December 2025. Currently the Contractors that bid these types of projects are back logged to a year out. Jim asked about soft-match money to purchase. Lindsey replied there is some out there. In January they will know how much will be available. Lindsey also gave a status report of the TAP-9901456, Courthouse sidewalk replacement shows all planning and permitting to be completed by May of 2025 and Construction to start in Late fall of 2025.
This project is funded by 80% MoDOT and 20% County. Estimated cost of $322,000.00. The conversation went to discuss the next bridge to repair with county funds which will be allowed to soft-match money for future bridge projects. After looking over the bridges one was settled on.
Trent made the motion to sign a contract with Great River Engineering to repair/replace the bridge on County Road 11253 over Soap Creek with county funds for soft-match money for MoDOT. Ken seconded the motion. All vote yes. No Opposition. Motion Carried.
The contract was signed by Jim and attested to by Cara Keller, Deputy Clerk in absence of Jami Page, County Clerk with her stamp.
Lindsay added that she has not found any funding for the railroad approaches that the Commission requested her to investigate last visit. She will check in the spring again.
Rick and Edie Brattin walked in to discuss their property assessment. The Assessor had changed this property over to residential property and they feel it should remain agricultural property. Rick and his siblings gained this property after his dad’s passing in 2019. They share the responsibility of the taxes yearly. They did not know the building had not been reported or assessed. The building on the property is a barn that is used for most of the year as equipment storage. The family will use it for gatherings a few times a year. There is a wood stove for heat.
A few times it is used for an overnight or stopping point during hunting season. The barn, strip pit and 88 acres were all changed to residential. There is a room in there but there is no water or electricity running to the building nor does anyone live there. Rick stated the girl at the Assessor’s Office stated a pole barn is residential. They looked up the definition of residential property and found it to state defined as “human occupancy”. Rick offered to show the Commission pictures of the barn a few times which were not responded to by the Commission. The taxes on this part went up to nearly double with reclassifying it.
Looking at the file, Jim stated that they were being assessed for the dock in the pit and the single-story building which increased the value. Jim stated, “the only thing we can do is look into this and get back with them on why the change” The Brattin’s information was taken and will be contacted when the commission has the information for them.
The scheduled Bid Opening for ADS Tubes began at 2 pm. Jim Hargrave with West Pipe, and Thayne Bush with Welborn Sales were present. The bids were West Pipe $24,527.00, Welborn Sales Inc., $25,499.58 and Viebrock Sales & Services, LLC at $24,862.00. All bids being the same. Bids good for one year.
Ken made the motion to go with the lowest bid to West Pipe at $24,527.00. Trent seconded the motion. All voted yes. No opposition. Motion carried.