Friday, December 20, 2024

Zoning change allows for additional housing on the Butler square


Per a recommendation from the zoning board, the Butler city council approved a variance that will allow for additional housing units at 27 N. Main St. on the Butler square. Previously, only two housing units (apartments) were allowed per floor for buildings on the square however, the variance will allow for up to five units at this location.

The decision did draw fire from some in adjacent buildings citing concerns about noise and other issues, however the measure was approved despite the pleas.

In other council news, City Administrator Corey Snead reported that the Planning Commission met and discussed small homes. The commission voted to reduce the current residential minimum square feet from 800 to 600, limit one small home per single lot, and stipulate that it must be on a permanent foundation. The Commission also voted to allow container homes if they are HUD approved. All of this will come before the council as part of the codification updates.

The Airport Commission has selected Les Gorden as the next airport manager, so a contract will be drafted. The fuel tank has been cleaned and will need to be lined, which will cost around $10,000. Construction on the airport lighting project will begin in March 2025. In 25-26, the terminal project will begin.

Budget meetings are underway and 5 year plans are being updated. More on this coming in the January 25th work session.

Remember the Butler city council meets on the first and third Tuesdays, 7 pm, upstairs at city hall. An elevator is available for those with special needs. The public is always highly encouraged to attend.

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