Report from the Bates County Commission January 15, 2025
The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner John Gray and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present. Approved Bills.
The Commission took a phone call from Dennis Slattery with West Point Township concerning a bridge. Trent and John were going to go out to look at it.
Sheriff Chad Anderson and Captain Justin Shaffer brought over the proposal for the rental generator. They checked with EMA on that unit. It would only supply power for half the jail and would need to be modified to work with the current connections. The rented generator will be $4642.80 for the first month and $4192.80 every month after. They are expecting 3 months. The estimated cost of the replacement is $119,000.00. Chad states there is enough in the jail maintenance fund to cover and enough in his budget to move around if needed. They are moving forward with the rental and new generator. Chad also mentioned they would store the old one and have it investigated for repair. He asked if the Commission needed one for the Administration Building. The Commission thought it was too much for that building.
Chad asked for clarification on employee pay for the weather closure days. Jim stated that if he called the building closed then the employee gets administrative pay. If the elected official closes their individual office, then the employee must choose whether to take vacation or sick day. Chad stated he had a few administrative people that did not come in and would get the 8 hours per day administrative pay. Those that did come in and worked would get the administrative pay for the day as well as the pay for the worked hours. Everyone agreed that those that made it in and worked deserved the administrative pay for the day as well. Jim added that his office is exempt from hours anyway as they have to run 24 hours. Chad stated that he was seeking clarification and is wanting to be more transparent with the Commission.
Chad mentioned the roads remain difficult to travel. Trent stated that the cold is freezing the top and the bottom is going out during the day making travel difficult.
John asked Chad about the topic of warming stations during the cold weather and why the Sheriff’s Annex could not be used. The Annex originally was set up to be a training and meeting place for the sheriff’s employees as the jail doesn’t have a space where they all can meet. This space isn’t “public ready” at just a given moment. Supplies and sensitive items are readily visible. So, it is out of the question for a warming station. As Sheriff has stated in a social media post, he feels this is the duties of the Emergency Management Organizations. Jim stated that this would be a local Emergency Management responsibility and not the County one. Chad also mentioned that the County Administration Building was meant to be a community use area if needed. That is why there is a kitchenette and bathroom in the basement. Different aspects and needs were discussed with no finality or actions going forward.
Jim asked Chad if they took all the MREs when they took the trip to help North Carolina Hurricane Disaster. Chad replied, “no”. Justin stated they took 2 pallets and have 4 left. Jim asked if they were still using the mini meals. Chad stated the mini meals did not work affectively for the jail.
Rodney Rom walked in to ask the Commission for an update on the Senior Tax Credit. Jim stated they are still working on the credit. By the Commission getting it done this leaves the opportunity to change it as needed when issues arise. Versus the people putting it up to a vote which would take a vote to change or stop. It looks like this will only be a credit between 5 to 50 dollars to a given person. This is only for those seniors that own and live in a primary residence. The residence will be separated out from the whole property and credit only given on that primary residence portion. The credit is only on the taxes that the county controls. Not on any voted in taxes or levies, i.e. school or township levies. This follows the Hancock Agreement. There are several points they are still working through.
The Scheduled meeting with the Circuit Clerk, Shelli White was cancelled.
Work In Progress
Policy Regarding Indigent Cremations given 8/25/2023
Policy Regarding Computer, E-Mail, Devices and Social Media given 2/14/2024
Bid for Hallway lights given 2/14/2024
Telephone Contracts 3/11/2024
Senior Tax Credit 9/9/2024