Sunday, January 5, 2025

From one of our on duty Deputies:

From one of our on duty BCSO Deputies:
2 p.m. update:

Roads are still not great. MODOT has been working hard at it all night and day doing great work but only so much they can do. Do NOT drive today. The road you’re driving on might “look good” but with the temps dropping as fast as they are going to in the next couple of hours and the worst part of the storm literally knocking on our door, the roads are going to glaze over and have a fresh little slippy slip added to the top. That’s not including that the part of the storm that’s going to hit us is literally causing visibility to be less than 20ft in Kansas right now.

The ice on the tree limbs that’s still building up are causing them to crack and fall, in some places over the roadways, so mix that in with the limited visibility and you will have an expensive tow bill and repair bill.

Stay home!
Thanks to MODOT, Lineman, and first responders who are literally working their tails off today.

That’s all I got. Stay home, stay warm, stay safe.

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