Monday, January 13, 2025

Report from the Bates County Commission

December 18
The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present.

Sheriff Chad Anderson and Chief Deputy Justin Corbin came over,  with only Kenny and Trent present, to discuss the need for the payment on the new vehicle.  They are down 5 vehicles now. One that was just repaired is now having another issue.  Chad had left the new vehicle at the dealership to be outfitted for police equipment. This put the vehicle  over the 30 days. Payment is needed at this point to release it. The insurance is still working on the values so the insurance payment will be awhile out. Chad stated he needed the vehicle this week. Justin's Tahoe was hit and needs to be taken to the body shop for repair. Trent and Kenny both state whatever is needed to support him they are willing to do. Chad asked if he needed to resubmit the invoice to Megan. Jim was still holding the original invoice. Ken and Trent will get with Jim when he gets in. Chad's intent is to purchase and finance the rest of the fleet with this dealer. 

The Commission and County Clerk, Jami Page, worked on reviewing the County Budget. 

Ken Made a motion to start paying all county employees every 2 weeks after the first of the year. Trent seconded the motion. 

 Vote was delayed for discussion with the County Clerk, Jami Page. Trent stated the employees are wanting it. Jim stated the City is on the same financial software system and they are able to complete this even with overtime. Employees get the time sheets on Monday and by Wednesday they have a notice of how much they will receive. They receive their payment on Fridays. Holidays can make a day delay in the process  at times but still paid on Fridays. Jami asked who are the employees asking for this? She has not heard of any complaints on this issue. She has spoken to several when this subject has come up and most are happy with the once a month payment that is currently being done.  Jami stated that she would like to see a statute that allows the Commission to tell her how she runs her office.  Her Office is independent of the Commission.  She said that she has told them before if they want to change the frequency of payroll then they can take over doing it themselves.  She is going to contact her attorney and get his opinion.  Jami's office would have a hard time completing this process during Election times as her office is also the Election Authority. It currently takes a good week now for payroll alone. This motion was tabled to gather information.

December 23 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present.

Calee McElwain with the Health Board stopped in to chat with the Commission. No notes were given on the conversation. 

The Commission worked on the vacancies and appointments for the following.

The Commission received a letter of resignation from David Kauffman on the Senate Bill 40 Board. To fill the vacancy for the reminder of the Term it was proposed to appoint Toni Huber to this period of One year. 

Trent made the motion to appoint Toni Huber to fill in the remainder of the vacated Term on the Senate Bill 40. Jim seconded the motion. All voted yes. Motion carried. No Opposition. 

Trent made the motion to appoint Patricia Pike to the Bates County Senior Services Board for a 2 year term. Jim seconded the motion. All vote yes. Motion carried. No opposition. 

Trent made the motion to appoint Sharon Tourtillott to the Bates County Senior Services Board for a 2 year Term. Jim seconded the motion. All vote yes. Motion carried. No opposition. 

Trent made the motion to keep Ivan Schraeder Law as their attorney. Jim seconded the motion. All vote yes. Motion carried no opposition. 

The Commission is tabling the Senior Tax Credit Ordinance till next year. They are wanting to get the Incoming Northern Commissioner, John Gray, in on the process.

Jerry Wiedenmann came in for his scheduled appointment. He is wanting to have a family cemetery on his property. He shared some of his family history. He was here to get direction from the Commission. He was told to have the parcel surveyed out for a legal description and needed easements. Then have a title drawn up giving it over to the County. 

Work In Progress

Policy Regarding Indigent Cremations given 8/25/2023

Policy Regarding Computer, E-Mail, Devices and Social Media given 2/14/2024

Bid for Hallway lights given 2/14/2024

Telephone Contracts 3/11/2024

Senior Tax Credit 9/9/2024

Office's desk window remodel/ Security 9/11/2024

December 30 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present.

Jim and Trent revised the Township CART money contract and Detailed Financial Statement. To the contract was added the requirement of filing a completed budget for the year, a certificate of insurance, advisement to the commission on any bridge or culvert needing repair or replacement as soon as detected and if all requirements are not met the Commission will withhold CART funds until they are completed. Also added was witnessing signatures. To the Detailed Financial Statement it was added that under Other the Townships provide a separate sheet listing all other items purchased or funded. 

Jim made the motion to approve the updated Township Contracts and Detailed Financial Statement. Trent seconded them motion. All voted yet. Motion carried. No opposition. Schraeder Law Firm Agreement Signed and sent.

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