Note that any missing dates have already been posted OR information has not yet been received and will be posted later
January 27, 2025 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner John Gray and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present.
Reviewed Invoices
No scheduled meetings.
Reviewed a few work in progress information.
John went over to the courthouse and picked up the proposed remodel to the courtroom. This has been brought up over the last few years.
Jim contacted NForm Architect to see if they still have the plans for the complete 3rd floor (courthouse) remodel.
January 29, 2025 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner John Gray and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present.
County Clerk Jami Page came in to discuss the election. Several township election vacancies, including Deep Water Township, Howard Township, Mount Pleasant Township, and New Home, will require write-in candidates. West Boone Township failed to send their certification. She made several attempts to contact them. After some research, since their terms expire in April they will have to recommend names to the commission to be appointed to those positions. Or get a court order for an election which could end up being expensive for them. Charlotte Township did not file for their levy, and it expired last year.
County Clerk Jami Page came in to discuss the election. Several township election vacancies, including Deep Water Township, Howard Township, Mount Pleasant Township, and New Home, will require write-in candidates. West Boone Township failed to send their certification. She made several attempts to contact them. After some research, since their terms expire in April they will have to recommend names to the commission to be appointed to those positions. Or get a court order for an election which could end up being expensive for them. Charlotte Township did not file for their levy, and it expired last year.
The panic button system was installed on Tuesday. They had the wrong wire harness so one was over-nighted, and Sheriff Anderson was shown how to install it. They will do a live test then.
Gary Ratliff has Jeremy with Moose Electric over today working on the lights on the courthouse exterior. Jim mentioned how nice it would be to have the music in the clock tower work again. This takes programming and timing with the Methodist Church.
Jami asked for an update on the Senior Tax Credit. She states how the public is questioning why this is not in place. Jim stated they will go ahead and work on this today. Everything is in place and ready to go just waiting on the Commission to sign and accept the ordinance. The Application needs to be finalized. Jim stated how he wanted them to speak at the republican meeting to explain how the Senior Tax Credit is being implemented in Bates County. Jim states “we all know the state didn’t want to deal with it. They gave it to us because it is a political thing. Make it all look good, so they can get elected to positions higher than where they were at or get re-elected to positions. “He further states “the whole thing was a joke, sure, it made them look good. Then they sold it to Parsons”. He states Parsons was not briefed by his staff as to what this really was, because he would never have signed it the way it was. He would have sent it back. Jim feels they did this to make Parsons look bad.
Jim gave a review of his meeting with Quad Lakes Solid Waste Management. They are offering small grants for cardboard balers to keep this recycled and out of landfills.
County Clerk Jami Page, and County Collector / Treasurer Jimmy Platt convened with the Commission to work on the Senior Tax Credit Ordinance. The meeting focused on finalizing the ordinance for a property tax credit for senior citizens in Bates County. Key points included clarifying that the tax credit applies only to Bates County levy, excluding other tax levies. Complying with the Hancock Amendment by not changing levies voted in by the people. The application period opens the first Monday in February and ends the last Monday in April. The ordinance specifies that the credit is based on the 2024 base year. The application process requires proof of ownership, identification, and residency. The ordinance was approved and will be implemented, with potential amendments based on state modifications to the relevant Senate bills. Jami drew up a press release. The commission approved it.
John made the motion to approve the Senior Tax Credit Ordinance. Trent seconded the motion. In added discussion, John stated to accept it as is knowing that amendments can be made as needed. Jim reiterated that and included any changes the state makes or future senate bills that may affect it. All voted yes. Motion passed. No opposition.
Jimmy Platt stated “My work here is done”
Sheriff Chad Anderson came in to report that the radio for the panic buttons was wired in and found it not to be able to reach the dispatchers. It will need an antenna to be able to reach the dispatchers. He will contact Motorola to get one coming and get with Gary Ratliff on the installation.
Chad mentioned the generator replacement is not going as planned. The new generator will require a new tank and will have to be 5 feet from the building. This requires a new placement as when the building was remodeled a hall way was added that took up that space between the generator and the building.
Lindsey Chaffin with Great River called and stated that MoDOT is having an issue with the West Door entrance on the courthouse concerning the sidewalk replacement as it is not ADA compliant. Even though the public are not using this as an entrance. She asked if the county would consider paying for the concrete on that portion of the replacement if this becomes excluded with MoDOT. Jim replied yes.
Work in progress
Policy Regarding Indigent Cremations given 8/25/2023
Policy Regarding Computer, E-Mail, Devices and Social Media given 2/14/2024
Bid for Hallway lights given 2/14/2024
Telephone Contracts 3/11/2024
Monday, February 3, 2025 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner John Gray and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present.
The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner John Gray and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present.
Public Administrator Brenda Doody discussed her recent car shopping experience, focusing on a 2022 Ford Explorer with 43,000 miles from Greg Smith Ford Lincoln in Clinton. The vehicle, priced at $35,486, includes a new windshield plus $4,145 for an extended four-year/120,000-mile warranty, bringing the total to $39,631. Ethan Row with Ethan’s auto in Adrian and Steven Doody, Brenda’s husband, inspected the vehicle, confirming its good condition. She had set her budget for a vehicle at 40,000.00.
Trent made the motion to purchase the 2022 Ford Explorer from Greg Smith Ford Lincoln in Clinton. John Seconded the motion. Jim included further discussion to call the dealer and “jew them down”.
All vote yes. No opposition. Motion carried.
Jim placed a phone call and talked them down $631 making the new total of $39,000.00
Assistant Surveyor Daniel Stewart came in to discuss converting the private drives in the Rattlesnake Hill Subdivision to county roads. Daniel has identified the easements and owners that will be affected. He will need to draw up the changes into a presentable format. After consulting over title questions, it was decided that a “blanket easement” would be the best solution. All affected owners and possibly lenders would need to sign and pay for their portion of the easement. This will be presented to the owners at a meeting once the information is ready. This is still a work in progress. More information is needed on this legal matter. Once this is completed the roads will need to be brought up to MoDOT specifications. The work and cost of this would be up to the Township. Then the new county roads would be submitted to MoDOT for acceptance into the CART program for maintenance funds.
The Commission had the County Assessor Carl Bettels, Collector / Treasurer Jimmy Platt and County Clerk Jami Page come in to talk about the implementation of the Senior Tax Credit. The Assessor is lacking in the workflow and implementation of the credit. Carl states the system allows for the separation of the house from the rest of the property. He is not sure how the system will know who is approved or how it will freeze the valuation of the property. Jimmy Platt stated that Carl needs to call the programmer of the system to get what he needs programmed into the system. Carl stated that his past conversations with the programmer have not gone so well. Jimmy offered to assist Carl with this phone call. Jami asked about the system already showing the 2025 valuations. It looks like there is a 14% increase. Carl confirmed that the state asked for 15% and he told them no he would do 14% across the board. The application flow is as follows:
• Clerk Office to compile
• Assessor to verify parcel number and house is owned by the applicant
• Clerk office for updating
• Collector to verify no delinquent taxes are due on the said property
• Clerk office for updating
• Commission for final approval or denial
• Clerk office for updating and owner letters
Wednesday, February 5, 2025 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner John Gray and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present. Approved Bills.
John worked on the Senior Tax Credit process. To show the flow from each office to the next. A flow chart with responsibility for each office. Added to the flow from last week was after Commission approval to go back to the Assessor office to mark it approved in the computer system.
The Commission discussed having a meeting with Lone Oak Township Board to discuss the Rattlesnake hill area changes.
The West Boone Township did not certify the upcoming election with the county clerk. Currently there is no West Boone Township Board. The Commission will have to appoint the Board Members.
John made the motion to appoint the following to the West Boone Township Board for a 2-year term.
• Dave Lemke - Trustee
• John Dean - Clerk
• Board Members
• Mike Sanders
• Austin Bray
Trent seconded the motion. All voted yes. Motion Carried. No opposition.
Cameron Black and Connor Sechler with Ollis/Akers/Arney an Insurance & Business Advisors Company came in for their scheduled meeting. They presented the different Health benefit options their company provides. They have worked with several counties and are a sponsor of the Missouri Association of Counties. Jim explained our current local broker and the work he provides to the County. The County covers the health benefits of the employees. They must make sure that everything they budget is sustainable for 5 years ahead. Jim explained they put out a Request for Qualification for an insurance broker every few years. We will add them to the list for the next request. Cameron stated they will check in again in a few months or so as well.
The paperwork for Brenda Doody’s vehicle was received, signed and returned.
Work in progress
Policy Regarding Indigent Cremations given 8/25/2023
Policy Regarding Computer, E-Mail, Devices and Social Media given 2/14/2024
Bid for Hallway lights given 2/14/2024
Telephone Contracts 3/11/2024