Monday, February 17, 2025

Testing reveals difference of opinion regarding contamination near Montrose

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has been investigating contamination at the Montrose generating station landfill in Henry County, Missouri and reports no findings of hexavalent chromium

The report does say they have found that soil samples that contain arsenic above regional screening levels and is working with concerned parties and stakeholders by providing sampling data on their website which can be viewed here.

It was also reported that the Harry S. Truman Public Water Supply District No. 2 does not have higher than acceptable levels of lead, selenium or arsenic in drinking water. Soil samples taken at the Davis R-XII school show all levels of toxicity to be below dangerous levels except for arsenic as well. 

The DNR fact sheet does say that arsenic does appear naturally in this region.

This however conflicts with independent testing results from a firm who took some 15 soil samples from around the community late last year and found that all of the samples did exceed the default safe limit for hexavalent chromium and lead, both toxic carcinogens. Some samples exceeded limits for arsenic, boron, cobalt and one exceeded the limit for selenium as well.

The conflicting information has further complicated matters as a single lawsuit filed earlier this year has been following with a class action lawsuit open to anyone living within 10 miles of the landfill OR anyone else who believes they have been physically harmed by contamination due to fly ash storage on site.

Mid America Live will continue to follow this story and provide updates accordingly.

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