I stood before the men and women of the party and general public in attendance and spoke. When many of the committeemen and women ran for thier positions it was due in part because we did not support the Republican Party vetting candidates and being able to pick and chose who the candidate would be on a ticket. We felt, that is for the PEOPLE to select through the election process. As a united party we were able to stop vetting in Bates County and return that power back to the People.
I stood and said that I felt the Bates County Republican Party, the party itself, should refrain from any potential action to remove an office holder. By statute the Republican Party’s only tasked is making recommendations to fill empty/vacated seats to the Governor for his consideration for an appointment.
I ran because vetting was going to allow 20 people to hand select who would potentially hold a public office. I feel that if the Party was to partake in the process of removal and selection of a replacement then we are no better than we were a year ago. I don’t believe 20 people should yeild the power to circumvent 10,000 voters.
The citizens do still have powers and actions that can be taken. I’m not an expert in what that looks like or how it comes about. There is an effort to form a committee to research all of that. Chad Anderson has not and will not be part of that committee. I will not have input or influence to that committee. I will respect the process of that committee.
If you have made it this far you probably need to pick up your jaw up off the floor. We all know the political attacks I have gone through and most likely will continue to go through at the hands of certain elected officials and their posse. In no way am I saying the citizens don’t have a right to be mad or want resignations or even more. In no way am I saying they shouldn’t move forward What I am saying is, in my sole opinion, it’s not appropriate for the local Republican Party to have a hand or say in that process given the statutory responsibility of the party in the process. It should be the citizens who come together and take action.
There is no question about how I feel personally. When Commissioner Gray was elected, I pledged change on my part in 2025 when it came to the commission. A pledge to be less argumentative with the commission moving forward and to attempt to put differences aside. But make no bones about it, I will continue to fight for the men and women who serve the public at the Sheriff’s Office. These great men and women over the last few years have also been targets of the politics. Distractions in our line of work can cost them their lives or a citizens life. Strong support for law enforcement does impact morale, efficiency and effectiveness in serving our community. In return it makes our community safer. I will absolutely stand up against other office holder’s attempts to run the Sheriff’s Office when they have no statutory authority to do so, that will never change.
I truly pray for everyone involved. I have watched as two commissioners have diligently worked everyday this week to fix what is broke. I have hope, that they are successful in their hard work this week and weeks to follow.
We The People, By The People, FOR The People!!