On February 28 at approximately 5:25AM, a Butler Officer made contact with a male subject in the lobby of the Police Department who advised the Officer that he was getting ready to leave his residence on W. Clark Street to go to work and when he walked into his garage, there was an unknown male standing in his garage.
The male then began to run from the residence while being chased by the victim. The victim then stopped chasing the male and came to the Police Department.
Based on a description and positive photo identification, the suspect was determined to be Travis Herman.
Multiple items to include tools and a wallet were stolen.
On 03/02/2025, Butler Officers spoke to Herman about the incident. Herman admitted to being in the garage and chased away by the victim. Herman was then placed in custody and transported to the Bates County Jail.
On 03/03/2025, a warrant was issued for Herman with for Burglary 1st Degree with a bond of $25,000 Cash or Surety.