Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Obituary - Meagan Kristine Whittlesey

Memorial graveside services for Meagan Whittlesey of Oberlin, Kansas will be held at a later date at the St. John Lutheran Cemetery in Kensington, Kansas with her mother.  Funeral arrangements are under the direction of the Schowengerdt Funeral Chapel in Butler, Missouri (660-679-6555).  Online condolences www.schowengerdtchapel.com.

It is with sadness that I announce the death of my daughter, Meagan Kristine Whittlesey, at the age of 39.

Meagan was born July 6, 1985 in Hays, Kansas the daughter of Roy James and Kerri Lynn Wisinger Whittlesey.  As a child and young lady she had a curious and adventurous heart.  Meagan loved to read, do art projects, work and volunteer at dog kennels.  She also loved to hike where she participated in the Bataan Memorial Death March in New Mexico on several occasions.  Later in life she participated in the Stitch Therapy Group at the local library and found the Faith Lutheran Church in Oberlin, Kansas.  Meagan said she finally found peace through her new found church family.  I am forever grateful for you all.  You gave her hope, peace and showed her love and for that I want to say “Thank you.” 

Meagan is survived by her father, Jim Whittlesey and significant other Laurie Reno; two sisters, Ashley Moore and husband Michael and Brittany Bartley and husband Erick; and many extended family members and friends.  She was preceded in death by her mother, Kerri Whittlesey; and her two grandmothers, Heidi Ehm and Darlene Whittlesey; as well as many others.

“Meagan, in my heart I know you are with mom now and smiling.  I will forever cherish loving you through both the good times and hard moments.  Your spirit will be with us forever.  We miss you and love you.”  – Dad

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