Sunday, March 2, 2025

Overnight fire claims the lives of two children in Butler photo
Around 11:30 pm last night an explosion heard miles away was followed by a fire that consumed a mobile home at 917 east Pine street in Butler which ultimately claimed the lives of two small children despite efforts by first responders.

According to the Bates County Sheriff's Office, three of the five occupants inside at the time of the explosion were able to exit the structure prior to the arrival of  fire personnel. They were transported to the hospital for treatment as fire crews worked to contain the blaze.

Multiple local agencies assisted on scene throughout the night and the state fire marshal is investigating.

“Our hearts go out to the families and friends of these children. Please keep them all in your prayers as they will have a rough road ahead” says Bates County Sheriff Anderson.

More information to be released as it becomes available.

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