Monday, March 10, 2025
Approval was received from SHPO for the Courthouse Tower Walk repair.
Trent made the motion to approve Pyramids quote for the sealant repair to the Courthouse Tower Walk. John seconded the motion. All vote yes. Motion passed no opposition. Jim was absent from the vote.
Pyramid was given approval to complete.
The Commission worked with the Treasury Department to clear up some of the reporting errors. They also worked on the supporting documents for the ARPA Funds.
Jake Hubbard came in with an concern on a County Road. The conversation revolves around the poor condition of County Road 10694 in Mound Township. Jake Hubbard expresses concerns about the road's impassability, which poses a risk to equipment and emergency services like ambulances and fire trucks. He works in the area and travels the road daily. He has nearly got stuck on a few occasions. Despite being accepted as a county road years ago, the township board seems unresponsive. Jim suggests contacting the surveyor's office for documentation. Jim proposed using available Road and Bridge maintenance equipment to improve the road. The township can just pay for the fuel for using them. The urgency lies in ensuring first responders can access the area safely. Trent offered to come look over the road and possibly help with the fencing project Jake has. Jake agreed to accept Trent’s help. John and Trent will investigate the matter with the Township Board.
Jim worked on clearing the files he had on his desk.