Friday, March 7, 2025

Reports from the Bates County Commission

February 10, 2025 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner John Gray and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present.

Zak Olivas with Great River came in for the Bridge # 1260012 Construction Bids Opening. Hartman and Company submitted $785,000, followed by CNC Bridge and Concrete at $736,572.50, and Bryan-Ohlmeier Construction at $806,996.75. The engineer's estimate was $649,337.50. The bid award goes to the lowest bid with CNC Bridge and Concrete at $736,572.50. Great River will look over all the information in the bids and make sure all it correct. Jim Wheatley emphasized the need for soft match credits to fund future projects, noting the difficulty in securing bridge funding. The project's completion date is set for December 13, with a 90-day timeline once started. The group also discussed the challenges of maintaining infrastructure due to limited funding and the impact of weather on project timelines. The Commission was recently informed that the county was not chosen for a bridge build in 2025.
Rodney and Mary Brown came in on their scheduled meeting to discuss their 2016 Jeep. On the 2025 assessment sheet they noticed the Jeep was not on it. They had added it on the 2024 assessment sheet, but it never got input into the system. It was not on the 2025 sheet, and they did not have it on their bill for 2024. It has been corrected in the Assessors system now. This resulted in late penalty fees. They are requesting the late penalty to be waived.
John made the motion to waive the late penalty fee ($37.11) for the 2016 jeep due to an Assessor Office error. Trent seconded the motion. All voted yes. Motion carried. No opposition.
Courthouse maintenance Gary Ratliff came in to show the commission yet another leak at the courthouse. The roofers poured water on the roof to find the leak and discovered the copper walkway is leaking from a broken solder seam onto the roof. This could be possible from the roof replacement with all the gear and traffic on the walk. They suggested a liner or sealant of some sort if not soldering the seams. John suggested a product called Kool seal. This will need to be put out for bid.
John called and talked to Jeremy Cassaday (Moose Electric) on the Hallway Light quote given 3/11/2024. He states that he can still honor that quote of $812.40.
John made the motion to go with Moose Electric ‘s bid on the Hallway Lights replacement. Trent seconded the motion. All vote yes. Motion carried not opposition.

February 24, 2025 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner John Gray and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present.
Mikayla Neil and Melissa Stong with the Missouri University Extension Office came in for their scheduled meeting. They brought over the MU Extension Annual Report for 2024. The office, located in the courthouse, houses specialists in horticulture, Ramon, Health and Nutrition, Sarah Bridgewater, and 4-H Melissa Stong. Jim asked if they still have the capabilities of assisting the public with finding employment. Mikayla confirmed they do and need to promote this more. They spoke on promoting the office's resources, and engaging youth in 4-H programs. Mikayla asked for one of the Commissioners to be tasked with helping with the Extension Office. John Gray volunteered. They invited him out to their annual dinner meeting tonight at the Frontier Village in Adrain.
Representatives from Senator Eric Schmitt Office Mike Ussery and Tucker Jones stopped in to visit with the Commission. The meeting discussed various issues, including a budget increase with tripled costs of required legal notices. Newspaper postings seem inefficient over online methods. However, they are still the required method. There has been some talk on this being changed. The Senate's swift confirmation of appointments was noted, contrasting with previous administrations and the Presidents second time in office. Concerns about child sex offenders with suggestions to reform bail and sentencing policies. John mentioned how lower-level crimes carry the same sentences as more violent crimes. Tucker mentioned President Trumps threat to cut federal funding for non-cooperative cities with ICE. Jim Wheately spoke several minutes on social security taxation and its impact on beneficiaries. With COLA increases being eaten away by Medicare increases. The need for workforce development and childcare reform was highlighted, along with the inefficiency of federal regulations and the potential for budget cuts. The conversation also touched on the challenges of passing the Agriculture Bill and the impact of federal regulations on school lunch programs. Trent spoke from the heart of school children with the lack of funds for lunch. The social effects as well as health.
Sheriff Chad Anderson and Chief Deputy Justin Corbin came in for their scheduled meeting. The meeting discussed the replacement of the generator for the Jail and Sheriff’s Office at a cost of $83,032.42, including removal of the old unit. The option to add a generator to the gray building was considered but deemed financially unfeasible. The door control systems for the Jail and Sheriff’s Office, which are 12 years old, need upgrading to maintain functionality. This system has a lifetime warranty. This upgrade will bring in line the technical advances as well as improved equipment. The cost of upgrading is $36,000. The group also discussed leasing patrol vehicles (4 or 5) to better manage budgets and the potential for a $69,000 lease for a suburban for the Coroner. These vehicles will come patrol equipped with final swap over of radios at pick up. Later, the grappler system which was removed from the trade in will be installed by the maker of the system. There will not be much down time with this process. Additionally, the need for new road numbers and addresses in the Rattlesnake Hill was highlighted, affecting 911 systems and mapping services. Jim requested the assistance of Brad Driver with this project. Trent asked about the panic buttons. Chad replied they are still working on this issue. The buttons are working but not as originally designed. They are sending text messages out if pressed to the dispatcher at the Sheriff’s Office, Chad, Justin and Jami Page’s (county clerk) phones. Brad is going to reach out to Commenco to see if they can assist on getting the signal to work with the radio system.
Trent made the motion to go forward with the lease of the patrol vehicles with Karl Chevrolet. John seconded the motion. All vote yes. Motion passed. No opposition.
John made the motion to purchase the new generator for the Sheriff's Office and Jail as quoted. Trent seconded the motion. All vote yes. Motion passed. No opposition.
Trent made the motion to upgrade the Sheriff’s Office and Jail doors with Sydaptic. John seconded the motion. All vote yes. Motion passed. No opposition.
Michael Simmons brought in his property taxes of the purchase in 2020 from his grandfather that were never put into his ownership in the Assessor’s Office. It was recorded correctly. Trent stated the Assessor’s Office “dropped the ball”. Michaels Grandfather has now passed, and it was assumed that he was paying the taxes on it and never brought it up.
Trent made the motion to waive the late penalty on the taxes for 108 and 104 E Maple in Rich Hill. John seconded the motion. All vote yes. Motion carried. No opposition.
Two other citizens brought in errors on their personal and property taxes. Paperwork was given to the Commission on Jim Russow and Stacy McGuire.
Work in progress
Policy Regarding Indigent Cremations given 8/25/2023
Rattlesnake Hill Roads 11/06/2023
Policy Regarding Computer, E-Mail, Devices and Social Media given 2/14/2024
Telephone Contracts 3/11/2024
Courthouse Tower Walk leak 2/10/2025

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