Saturday, March 1, 2025

MIssouri Trooper makes split second decision, saves lives


Just an hour earlier in the Troop D region a wrong way driver killed three people. Now, another wrong way driver poses a threat in region C and Trooper Hedrick makes what could be a life changing decision- watch the video below on Facebook for the realtime action:

Blackhawk ladies fall to El Dorado Springs


The Adrian Lady Blackhawks experienced a tough loss  El Dorado Springs with a final of 54-26 in Class 3 District 11 play today. 

You've done well this year and our community is proud of you!

Lady Whirwinds Class 2, District 14 champions

Following a 34-16 win over Crest Ridge, the Archie Lady Whirlwinds are the Class 2, District 14 champs.

They will be playing the Skyline Lady Tigers on Tuesday, March 4, at Skyline. Congratulations!

Lady Hornets Class 1 District 5 Champs


NUMBER ONE The Hume Lady Hornets are all smiles following their win over Appleton City 50 - 45 today. Congratulations!

Cooler today, warmer around the beginning of the week


MUCH COOLER TODAY, as the cold front has passed north to south, leaving us with highs in the mid to upper 40's this afternoon. Breezy at times with some mild wind gusts. Not much for cloud cover on satellite view, so mostly sunny skies today and clear overnight.

*FIRE: Relative Humidity values are still low, but with calmer winds today, any fires that start won't have the strong winds to help spread them.

Warmer temps return Sunday, with a warming trend building through Tuesday.

-Courtesy 66o Weather Spot

In case you missed Show and Tell today..

 The annual Show and Tell program was held at the Bates County Museum today and included many interesting artifacts along with stories which included the history of the typewriter, a single-handed rolling pin, some 'sweet' family history, a discussion about missing gold in Bates county and more. 

A gracious thank-you goes to all attended and more upcoming events at the museum can be found HERE.

Friday basketball scoreboard, district play winding down this weekend



Drexel 58
Sheldon 35

Lincoln 56
Rich Hill 43

Lamar 41
Stockton 38

Warsaw 64
Winsor 51


No local scores to report

Lady Blackhawks play for Championship title today

 BHS is hosting the 2025 MSHSAA Class 3 District 11 Girls and Boys Basketball Tournament this week. The El Dorado Springs Bulldogs will be playing the Adrian Blackhawks this afternoon for the Girls District Championship. Tip-off is at 1:30 PM. Admission is $6.00 per person.

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