Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Prop C passes; Now what?

As the numbers came in last night, it was consistently a YES vote nearly 3 to 1 across the board for virtually every precinct in the state. Missouri was the first state to take the health care issue to voters and it appears that Florida, Oklahoma, Arizona and possibly a few others may do the same. While a clear message has been sent to Washington, some are wondering what will happen next; there has been talk that a lawsuit may ensue, however with the upcoming November elections that simply may not happen.

Republican National Chairman Michael Steele called Missouri's rejection of the federal mandate to purchase health insurance "a significant blow to the Obama administration."

Steele called the Missouri vote "another reason why Republicans will win back the majority in November" in congressional elections. "By rejecting ObamaCare with nearly three-quarters of the vote in a critical swing state, Missouri sent a strong message to Democrats and the Obama administration that government-run health care is a gross overreach of the federal government that needs to be repealed and replaced," Steele said in a statement.

Unlike the Arizona immigration law, which generated a legal challenge last week, the Missouri proposition and several more state initiatives that could pass in November are unlikely to face court tests any time soon.

Democrats, who did little to combat Proposition C, were largely quiet about the Missouri results as the returns from Tueday's elections circulated this morning.

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