Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Butler Bears Homecoming Parade this Friday

The Butler Bears Homecoming parade will hit the streets around 2 pm this Friday and arrive on the Butler square around 2:30. The parade route will start from the high school North to Fort Scott, West to High, and North on High to the grade school. At Ohio, the parade will head East towards the square.

The parade marshall has requested that there be no political candidates in the line up this year. Also, those in the parade are asked not to throw candy while passing the grade school, as it causes confusion and a possible hazard for children as the leave school.

FM-92 radio station will be placing barrels for donations of non-perishable food items at each corner of the Butler square to help replenish supplies for the food pantry, which suffered a great setback due to a recent fire. Suggested items include canned soup, peanut butter, crackers, dried beans, canned vegetables, canned fruit, tuna, sauces, spaghetti, etc. Note the pantry can also use toiletries such as toothpaste, diapers, toothbrushes, deodorant and more. Please try to bring at least one item from your pantry when you come to see the parade-your help is greatly appreciated!

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