Monday, January 3, 2011

Senator David Pearce Appointed to “Rebooting Government” Working Group

Jefferson City — State Sen. David Pearce, R-Warrensburg, was appointed last week by President Pro Tem-elect Robert N. Mayer to serve on the Education working group, one of seven panels that make up the Missouri Senate’s “Rebooting Government” initiative.  During the first few weeks of the 2011 Legislative Session, these groups will examine suggestions made by the public in order to achieve new ideas on how to streamline government.
“It is an honor to serve for the second year in a row on the Education work group,” Sen. Pearce said. “It is incredibly important to me to be a part of Missouri’s education plan and to ensure that our state continues to move itself forward.”
The education working group is just one of seven groups created to compile recommendations to control, alter, or delete state government programs using taxpayer ideas.  Other working groups include: Courts and Public Safety; General Government and Office of Administration; Retirement and Employee Structure; Social Programs; Tax Structure and Economic Development; and Agriculture, Outdoors, Department of Natural Resources, & Transportation.
“I would like to urge citizens to share their ideas on how to make our state government work more efficiently,” Sen. Pearce said. “Bold and creative ideas are necessary during this difficult economic time in our state.”
Citizens may submit their ideas by visiting the Missouri Senate Rebooting Government website ( The site will remain active throughout the 2011 Legislative Session.

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