Wednesday, May 18, 2011

$750 scholarship available through Extension Office

Bates County Youth Advocacy Council, Inc. (BCYAC)
Junior Council Scholarship
The position is designed as an internship. Students will develop a schedule to volunteer 50 hours of time over the school year for BCYAC activities. In return, BCYAC will provide the student with a $750 scholarship for post-high school educations. This can be college, trade school, technical school, beauty college or other approved post high school educational activities. Two scholarships will be offered the first year.
The position is open to high school juniors or seniors interested in children and with enough energy to supervise and participate in organized activities with youth.
A junior student can apply for and be accepted for two years for this scholarship. The scholarship will be payable on enrollment in post-secondary pursuits.
Volunteer Possibilities:
The student and the BCYAC board will work together to provide a plan for their volunteer hours. The activities that are available to be used to complete the scholarship requirements include:
  • Work after school at the Butler Youth Center
    • The Bates County Youth Advocacy Youth Center is open two nights a week:
Tuesday from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
Thursday from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
    • Duties could include;
      • Help open and close center on Tuesday and Thursdays.
      • Supervise youth attending the center, interact with those youth and enforce discipline codes and rules of the center.
      • Work under the direction of the Center Manager.
      • Participate in games, crafts, snack preparation, or other activities as directed by Center Manager.
      • Provide positive mentoring to youth at center.
      • Help conduct character education activities.
      • Help with cleanup of center at end of each evening. 
      • Work cooperatively with Bates County Youth Advocacy Board
  • Help with Day Camp
    • BCYAC holds a Day Camp in Butler each June for at-risk children. 
      • Tasks include supervision, lunch prep, supervising swim time and set-up and clean up.
·      Assist with the Pool Pals Program
    • Help with telephone calls and mailings to contact youth for the swim program. Help with publicity, solicit donors and assist with mailings to donors.
  •   Assist with Potato Pal Fund Raiser
    • Help prepare food. Take orders, deliver orders, and work with publicity. Solicit donors for food products.
Hours must be scheduled and coordinated with BCYAC.
Direct supervision is provided by Kelly Stark, Center Manager vice-president of the BCYAC.
While BCYAC activities are open to all Butler Youth, most of the youth that attend need strong supervision, good role models and a caring, safe environment. This is a challenging job and works best for a person with a strong value system, a high tolerance for noise and distraction, the ability to enforce rules without being too harsh, and someone who really enjoys the challenge of working with children.
The BCYAC is a not-for-profit organization that plans and provides opportunities for area youth.
This internship experience will develop skills and abilities that will help students demonstrate volunteer leadership skills, supervision skills, organizational skills, and involvement in community programs. This program will help students in personal growth and community awareness. All of these are greatly beneficial when filling out other scholarships or job applications.

Due Date:        Scholarship are due July1, 2011
Place:              Bates County MU Extension Office
South Side of the Courthouse
1 N Delaware
Butler, MO 64779
Include:          Scholarship Application
                        Two letters of references

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