Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sheriff's Posse gearing up for Ultimate Horsemen's Challenge

As a 'kick off' event for the Bates County Fair, the Bates County Sheriff's Posse is hosting the Ultimate Horsemen's Challenge which will feature 2010 EXCA World Champion Josh Rushing. The competition starts at 9 a.m. on July 9th at the fairgrounds.

The UHCA and EXCA sanctioned event will have a 60% payback along with trophies, prizes and ribbons awarded:

It's free to spectators and is great family entertainment- currently more than 75 contestants will be participating. More info can be found on the Ultimate Horsemen's Challenge web site.

To sign up or for info contact Jami Page at the Bates County Sheriff's Office by calling 660-679-3232 or 660-424-4215 or email

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