Old Business:
The board heard a report from Alan Stauffacher on the parking lot and track projects. The parking lot top coat was being completed and the good news is that the lot will be available for graduation. The rock at the track in the ditches and a 60 x60 slab looked like it was being removed without heavy equipment and was moving fairly quickly.
The board heard a second report from Steve Hubbard about moving the start time at the high school up to 7: 50 a.m. for the 2011-2012 school year. Nevada Vo-Tech has changed their schedule and Vo-Tech students would lose 20 minutes per day instructional time. The move would also benefit students toward the end of the day instructionally. Students participating in school extra and co-curricular activities would miss less class time at the end of the day due to the earlier start. Several times throughout the year activity start times require students to leave before school dismisses. The earlier start time would keep students from missing as much academic time with this change. The change would not affect school times at the elementary. High school students would be the first let off in the mornings and dismissed in the evenings, keeping the elementary times very similar to what they are now.
New Business:
b. The board heard from the administration on the implementation of the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan.
c. The board approved the staff health insurance plan that would provide either a staff choice of a $2,000 dollar deductible plan or a HSA benefit plan. The district will pay $469.50 per month for the employees and an additional $25 per month if the employees participate in the Wellness Plan. At this time employees will be required to get a Health Risk Assessment each year and have several other options that will qualify them for participation in the Wellness Plan.
d. Capital Projects: The board reviewed with the superintendent a list of possible improvement projects to be accomplished in the near future.
e. The board voted to approve several policies and forms.
f. The board agreed to provide a staff stipend for curriculum instruction work for certified staff and participation in some school beautification projects for the classified staff.
g. The board heard a report from the superintendent about some possible changes in assessment due to new business construction and additional properties being placed on the assessor’s books.
i. Brad Stephens reported on behalf of the Educational Foundation about scholarships that had been awarded to students from Butler High School.
j. Bryan Tippee reported on the Bear Backer Golf Tournament coming up in the near future.
Closed Session:
The board approved the resignations of Amy Knight and Jessica McCune.
The board approved Jessica McIntyre as the elementary assistant principal; Brandi Hill as elementary teacher; and Lori West as elementary school nurse.
The board approved hiring Amber Solomon as a Special Education teacher pending her passing the praxis.
The board approved Susan Tenholder as high school counselor.
The board approved Sheila Smalley football cheerleading and Molly Griffith basketball cheerleading coaches.
The board approved Johnny Teeman and Emily Swaters as assistant Jr. High basketball practice coaches.
The board approved Aaron Allen additional spring athletic directing responsibilities.
The board approved a stipend for the nurses to conduct the district Wellness Plan.
The board agreed to bid some curbing work.