Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Butler City Council news

Courtesy FM 92.1 the Bullet

In Butler City Council news, the Mayor and Council have culled applicants for Police Chief to six, and interviews will be scheduled so each can be studied.

The Council has received a "thank you" letter from the city of Joplin for its help during their tornado tragedy. Butler provided seven firefighters and three vehicles in Joplin's call for help, and Joplin included in the letter, a way for Butler to ask for reimbursement for its help.  However, butler will not ask for pay from Joplin for helping.

Butler is still fortunate that it has an electric plant that can generate power when our electric load exceeds the amount we've agreed to buy from its providing company. The extreme hot weather has caused our light plant to operate several times over the past few weeks. If we did not have our power plant, we would have been charged extremely high rates for going over our allotted amount. Thank your city for this advantage that's saving you money...especially during extremely hot and cold weather. Incidentally, there's a change at the plant, and the new operator, Charles Long, is settling in nicely as he takes over the job.

And speaking of weather...remember our snowstorms last winter? It cost Butler plenty for snow removal and other related expenses. However, it got 75% of that money back, as FEMA came through on a grant to help.

Plans for our Solar Farm continue, but will extend into the August 2nd council meeting. Negotiations are still underway on the Purchase Power Agreement that Butler needs, for buying power from the solar farm when it gets on line.

And good news about our Wastewater Treatment Plant...the annual inspection came up with "no unsatisfactory features found" during the yearly checkup.

Mullinax Funeral Home at ten south High and Fort Scott Streets, has a parking problem at times, due to the "no parking" signs on High Street, which were put there to give school busses space to park before and after school. It was suggested that the signs be covered while a funeral service is going on. It's felt that the problem can be handled.

The Planning Commission are still wrapped up in proper rules and regulations for yards and other spots that can easily become eyesores...a small problem is homes that have playground equipment in their front yards. Normally, this is not permitted, but it may be that a decision will include moving the equipment to the rear when not in use.

That problem will soon by part of the work of Reserve Police Officer James Wheatley, who will be taking over as Code Enforcement Officer. He's replacing Denny Rich, who will continue to perform his duties as an officer in the police department, while Wheatley will also continue to work as a part-time police officer when he's needed.

And they still can't find the leak in the "Lazy River" water ride at the Aquetic Center. The Council has decided to ask professionals to come in to find the problem.

We remind, as usual, that you're welcome to any and all City Council meetings...1st and 3rd Tuesday evenings at seven p.m. at City Hall. Be on time, as the west door entrance is locked when the meeting begins.

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