Thursday, December 8, 2011

MoDOT Works to Aid Older Drivers

Older Driver Safety Week: Dec. 5 - 9

JEFFERSON CITY - Missouri's older citizens are more active than ever and tend to remain behind the wheel well into the retirement years. This week - Older Driver Safety Week - recognizes that fact, as does the Missouri Department of Transportation.

In recent years, MoDOT has worked to enhance visual cues on state highways to help those whose eyesight isn't quite what it once was. Improvements include larger lettering on signs, wider stripes, putting intersection signs well in advance of the crossing and placing chevrons - arrow-shaped markers - to guide drivers through deep curves.

These changes, in addition to rumble stripes that signal when someone leaves a driving lane, give motorists more time to receive and react to information. That helps drivers of every age.

MoDOT is also a member of the Subcommittee on Elder Mobility and Safety within the Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety. This group identifies and researches issues that affect older drivers.

Older drivers can increase their own safety by observing the following tips:
• Have regular medical and vision checkups because health-related issues have more impact on driving ability than age.
• Adjust the mirrors to fit your needs.
• Adjust the seat so your chest is 10 inches or more from the steering wheel and your line of vision is at least three inches above the wheel.
• Attend a driver safety course.
• Ask a passenger to help with reading maps or providing directions.

All travelers, regardless of age, can increase their safety by buckling up. It's the quickest, easiest way to help more citizens ARRIVE ALIVE.

If you have questions about older drivers' safety, please call MoDOT at 1-800-800-2358 or visit

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