It was commercial versus residential at the Butler City County Meeting on Tuesday evening as property owners of the north side of West Ft. Scott street going east from Rice Road to Prospect Avenue came before the City County with concerns regarding the rezoning of their properties from a R-2 Single Family Residential District to C-3 Highway Commercial District.
The Planning Commission held a Public Hearing on Tuesday May 8th to consider this rezoning and after the public hearing made a recommendation to the Council to approve the proposed rezoning of these properties. Jim Conley, along with other residents in the affected area, spoke with the Council about their concerns regarding insurance and tax problems that may occur if this rezoning moves forward at this time. One resident, Al Hallibut spoke to the Council and stated that he would like for his property to be rezoned for Commercial so that he would be able to sell it as a commercial property. After much discussion the Council voted to table the motion to allow City Attorney Tom Addleman to review the documentation regarding the rezoning and the issue will be brought up again in the July meeting.
Fire Chief Jim Henry addressed the proposed Ordinance 949 to amend the City Code regarding building inspections and the issuance of Residential Occupancy Permits and informed the Council that this was not a change to the Ordinance but just a clarification of Ordinance already in place. The Council approved the Ordinance.
The Council approved Resolution 388 which enabled Mediacom to continue to use the City’s poles and facilities for the purpose of construction, operation and maintenance of a cable system. The City will remain the owner of the utility poles and entered into a pole attachment agreement which will allow Mediacom to utilize certain City-owned utility poles.
Other guests addressing the Council included Hank Klumb on lawn mowing and Peggy Flint, who needed a clarification as to whether or not cats needed to be placed on a leash when on their own property. City Attorney Addleman told the council as long as cats had a collar and proper ID no leash should be required.
Eugene Miller asked for a variance application so that he would be able to park in his front yard next the street. Code Officer Jim Wheatley informed the Council that legal issues were pending on this matter regarding the parking and the Council agreed to wait until the legal issues were resolved before acting on his application.
Next Council meeting will be July 3rd at 7pm.
-courtesy FM 92 the Bullet