Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Habitat for Humanity needs volunteers for upcoming project

Habitat for Humanity, an organization that was founded in 1976, has built more than 250 thousand homes for families in need becoming a true world leader, addressing the issue of poverty housing.
Butler is now in the process of building the 6th home for a family in Bates County that has qualified for the “Habitat for Humanity Housing Project”. The house is being built in the Hume and Rich Hill area on A highway.

Volunteers are needed to donate time and to help with the project. Carpenters, Plumbers and Electricians, Painting and Landscaping jobs are needed to help with the construction of the 5th house to be built in the Bates County Area.

Funds are needed to complete the project, any club or organization that would like to donate time, money or that might have fund raising project ideas are encouraged to contact Brenda Darr for more information.

The housing project is for single parents or couples that meet the guidelines. You receive interest free mortgage, your house payments are based on your salary. The family to receive the home is selected by the family selection committee of the Habitat for Humanity Committee. Someone has to donate the land on which the home is built and volunteers are needed. The project is for Bates County Residents that qualify. Contact Brenda for qualification requirement forms.

Lois Cayton 2012, Habitat for Humanity President, Jodee Donnell, Treasurer. Brenda Darr Secretary.
The Habitat for Humanity Office is located in room 28 of the Old Butler High School, The new phone number is 660-679-4355. You may contact Brenda Darr at the same number.

-FM 92 the Bullet

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