Friday, September 14, 2012

Altona 4-H news

The Altona 4-H met on September 12, 2012 at the Altona Community Hall. President, Catie Welliver called the meeting to order and led us in the pledges to the American and 4-H flags. Secretary Jennifer Willerton called the roll and added the new 4-H members. There were 41 members and clover kids present, along with a host of parents. Jennifer also read the minutes from our previous meeting. Katie Frankenfield made the motion to accept the minutes and Bailey Collier seconded the motion. Motion passed. Cameron Tallman read the treasurer’s report. A new bill was given to the club from Colt Cumpton for mowing the yard this summer. Bailey Collier made a motion to pay the bill, Katie Frankenfield seconded the motion. Motion passed. Report of committees: The float committee talked about our float at the Bates County Fair. We received 6th place. Project Group Reports: All projects are complete for the previous year. Chris Cumpton also talked about an upcoming invitation to the horse group. They’ve been invited by the Paint Horse Club to walk in the American Royal Parade and lend support to dignitaries riding in the parade. Old Business: Vanessa Tallman gave a report on how the club did with our annual fundraiser of selling ice cream and cobbler at the Antique Tractor Show. We had a good year. New Business: Cameron Collier made a motion to have a club weenie roast and hayride on October 13th at 6:00 pm; Chris Cumpton volunteered to host the event at their farm. Jessie Lowe seconded the motion. Motion passed. November 14th is our annual club Thanksgiving dinner. Clint Cumpton made the motion to continue this tradition and Case Doody seconded the motion. Each family is to bring two dishes. Vanessa Tallman and Rhonda Walley agreed to co-chair and organize this event and began by passing around food sign-up sheets. Next we elected officers. Our new officers will be: President – Katie Frankenfield, Vice-President – Catie Welliver, Secretary – Jennifer Willerton, Treasurer – Bailey Collier, Reporter – Case Doody, County Council Representatives – The Lowe Family, and Song Leaders – Jessie Lowe, Dani Bolling, Aubrey Oates and Ragen Hendrix. Catie Welliver made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Conrad Walley issued the second. Our next meeting will be the hayride and weenie roast at the Paul and Chris Cumpton Farm on October 13th at 6:00 pm.

Submitted by: Case Doody, Altona 4-H Reporter

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