Friday, September 14, 2012

Stay Strong, Stay Healthy Classes to be held in Butler

From Tammy Roberts, Nutrition and Health Education Specialist, Missouri Extension

If you want to improve balance, strength and flexibility, come to the Stay Strong Stay Healthy or Advanced Stay Strong Stay Healthy classes. The program will be offered 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays, October 9 thru December 20 at Bates County Memorial Hospital, 615 Nursery Street, in Butler. Advanced Stay Strong Stay Healthy will start at 10:00 a.m. and Stay Strong Stay Healthy will start at 11:00 a.m. Classes will be taught by Tammy Roberts, Nutrition and Health Education Specialist for University of Missouri Extension.

One of the best ways to keep your body and mind functioning at its best is to exercise. Regular exercise improves physical, emotional and mental health. Participation in regular strengthening exercises will help you to build muscle and increase bone density. This helps to prevent frailty and osteoporosis.

The types of exercises you will do in the Stay Strong Stay Healthy classes are easy to learn, safe, and effective. People benefit from strength training in many ways. Some benefits people experience include arthritis relief, improved balance, enhanced flexibility, weight control, stress reduction, decreased depression, reduction in risk for heart disease and help with maintenance of healthy blood sugar levels.

The great thing about the Stay Strong Stay Healthy exercises is that most people can do them. They are great if you are 39 or 89 years old. You change the amount of weights you use to make it work for your individual needs. Many people report they can tell they have increased strength or flexibility after just three weeks of doing the exercises.

The minimum number of participants is 10. Registration is $50 and is due by October 5. Some participants will need a physician’s approval to participate. Please call the Extension office at 660-679-4167 for more information or to receive a flier and registration form.

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