Thursday, February 14, 2013

Butler Bears Annual Golf Tournament May 26th

The 4th  Annual Butler  Bear Backer Charity Golf Tournament is set for Sunday May 26th. The organization is reaching out now for team participation. The request to seriously consider supporting this tournament as its main focus, is to support the student athletes.
Things you can do, is to bring a team of friends to play. Team participation will be a donation of $300.00 per team of four, this price does not include carts. Sponsor a hole for $100.00 or Make a donation of a gift certificate or merchandise.
Mail your team sign up or holes sponsorship to the Bear Backer Golf Tournament in care of Citizens Bank P.O. Box 120 Butler or contact any committee member.
Bryan Tippie,  Brad Davis, Dave Strauch, Jarod McBrayer, Misti Kauffman or Tyler Green.

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