Monday, June 17, 2013

Have A Safe July Fourth Weekend!


The 2013 July Fourth holiday is fast approaching. All across Missouri, people will gather to have some fun, share a meal, or simply enjoy fireworks. Whether your plans will take place on land or on the water, Colonel Ron Replogle, superintendent of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, reminds Missouri’s travelers of the importance of safety during the upcoming July Fourth holiday. 

In 2012, four people were killed and 194 injured in Missouri over the holiday in 385 traffic crashes. One person was killed or injured every 9.1 minutes. Of that total, troopers worked 104 crashes, including three of the fatalities and 56 injuries during the 2012 July Fourth holiday. Troopers arrested 59 people for driving while intoxicated during last year’s holiday weekend. Last year's counting period was 30 hours in length.

The 2013 counting period for the July Fourth holiday will be from 6 p.m., Wednesday, July 3, to 11:59 p.m., Sunday, July 7. This year's counting period will span 102 hours.

The Highway Patrol will be participating in Operation C.A.R.E. (Combined Accident Reduction Effort) over the July Fourth holiday weekend. All available officers will be patrolling Missouri’s roadways enforcing Missouri’s speed limit, seat belt, and alcohol laws, in addition to being available to assist motorists. 

Troopers throughout the state will participate in a 20-Mile Trooper operation on Wednesday, July 3, and Sunday, July 7, 2013. This operation will include Interstates 35, 44, 55, and 70, and U.S. Highways 60 and 63. Troopers will be targeting all traffic violations, and be especially vigilant of aggressive driving violations.
Motorists who need assistance or who witness criminal activity while traveling on Missouri’s roadways can contact the nearest Highway Patrol troop headquarters by calling the Patrol Emergency Report Line at 1-800-525-5555 or *55 on a cellular phone. Motorists may call 1-888-275-6636 to check for road construction or possible flooding along their travel route.

The Highway Patrol also reminds the public that the Fourth of July holiday is one of the busiest boating holidays of the year. In 2012, there were zero boating fatalities. However, four people were injured in four boat crashes. Three people drowned during last year's July Fourth holiday. One person drowned at Bull Shoals Lake in Taney County; two people drowned at Lake of the Ozarks in Morgan County. 

Additional officers will be working on the state’s waters to ensure safety. Missouri’s boaters are asked to do their part by remaining alert for other boats and swimmers, and being courteous on the water. With more boats on the water, it is even more important to pay attention when operating your vessel.

· Distractions and alcohol consumption slow reaction time. 
· Appoint a passenger to help monitor the other boats around you.
· Make evasive maneuvers early and deliberately.

The many firework displays after dark attract many more boaters at night. 

At night, remember to:
· Check your vessel’s navigation lights before heading out, and be sure to have spare bulbs on board. 
· Avoid overloading your boat with too many passengers. This can cause the boat to become swamped and affect the handling of the boat. 
· Observe Missouri’s nighttime speed limit of 30 miles per hour on the water. 
· Slow down and take your time. Nighttime accidents tend to involve more serious injuries and damage, due to the lack of visibility. 

Finally, it is illegal to discharge fireworks from a vessel, so leave them in a safe place on shore. 

“The Patrol encourages motorists and watercraft operators to protect themselves by making sure everyone in the vehicle is properly restrained in a seat belt or child restraint and everyone in the vessel is wearing an approved life jacket," said Colonel Replogle. "Please be courteous whether operating a vessel or vehicle. If your celebration includes alcohol, designate someone else to drive, whether operating your boat or your car."

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