Monday, June 3, 2013

People for People PSA‏

Poverty is an issue we should all care about.  That’s why the People 4 People coalition was formed.   We want to bring members of the community together to focus on bringing opportunities to individuals in our area.  People 4 People wants individuals to reach their full potential and to thrive in our community.

We know that amazing things can happen when we all pull together to work on projects that support our community.  To date, members of People 4 People have worked on several community projects like Christmas for Kids, Community Food Pantry Food Drive, Drug Take Back Initiatives, Job Readiness Workshops, Educational Grants, and Child Abuse & Neglect, Suicide Prevention and Smoking Cessation workshops. 
These projects are just a part of our vision for what we can do in our community.  Our vision includes projects that help our community gain access to affordable healthcare, find more affordable housing & energy, increase the availability of quality jobs and wages, promote quality education and ensure we have adequate food resources. 
There is much reward in seeing people succeed and thrive.  We all like to know we make a difference.  If members and organizations of the community work together, we have the potential to make positive changes and influence the way people in our communities live.

If you would like further information about People 4 People, you may contact Jodi Welston at the Bates County Health Center at 660-679-6108.   The next meeting of People 4 People is scheduled for June 18th at the Bates County Health Center, 501 Orange Street, Butler at 11:30am.    We hope that you will join us for our meeting and in our fight against poverty.    

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