If you want to participate you must register to be in the contest. All entry forms must be return by 5pm Friday December 6th. You
can drop off entry forms at the Butler City Hall or the Xchanger-News
Xpress and if you don’t have a form just send your name, address and
telephone number to:
Holiday Decorating Contest
PO Box 420
Butler, MO 64730
Prizes this year will be first place - $100 off their electric bill; 2nd place $75 off their electric bill and 3rd
place will be $50 off their electric. All qualified entrants will
receive $10 off their electric bill. The prizes will be deducted from
the electric portion of the city utility bill only. Your display must be
500 lights or more to qualify for the contest.
Send in your registration now before the December 6th deadline. Judging will be held on Saturday, December 14th.