In Butler City Council action, Lee Anna Schowengerdt was at the council meeting concerning Butler’s Christmas lighting, and got the OK to have the Christmas lights on for Lady’s Night out Monday, the 25th., and again for the Christmas Parade…
And speaking of Christmas, the Council gave the nod to the annual Christmas
Lighting Decoration Contest. Again, first place will be $100...2nd
place $75...and 3rd place 50 dollars, with all entries getting a ten
dollar credit on their electric bill, just by entering. You’ll be
hearing more about when to enter.
Meanwhile, the Public Safety
Committee discussed whether action needed to be taken to keep track of
renters here in town. The point was to have renters utility bills go to
the renters instead of to the landlords. However, the Council decided to
just continue with the present regulations, with the Code Enforcement
officer seeing that all is done correctly.
The Parks and
Recreation Commission also has much to discuss, especially before next
summer, and they’re planning things like parking, shelters and fall zone
materials. You may wonder what the “fall zone” term means, and we
wondered also….it simply means play areas where a child might fall off,
there’ll be cushions beneath those areas!Fencing and other things are
being studied.
Also approved was consent to use funds raised
through banner and events, to be used for infield dirt work on Osage
Field and the pitcher’s mound on East Field and Comets Field.
Council also is going to check with some other cities about regulations
for code of conduct for persons who attend events at City sports
facilities. And they discussed developing a policy for use of city park
facilities and fields for activities other than sports.
disagreement continues concerning right-of-way and pole attachments
within city limits. AT&T, CenturyLink and Cable TV are for House
Bills 331 and 345, while cities are against the bills because they would
take away the cities authority over these uses. The Cole County Circuit
Court has filed an appeal blocking the enforcement of these bills,
while AT&T has filed an appeal relating to those bills.
Courtesy of FM. 92.1