Thursday, December 5, 2013

Bates County Sheriff's Office Press Release: Graduation of Police Cadet‏

From, left to right pictured are: Lieutenant Justin Corbin, Major Jason Lawrence, Deputy Brad Page, Deputy Jalyn Rosier, Deputy Jared Denham, Deputy Brian Bearce, Sheriff Chad Anderson 

The Bates County Sheriffs Office is proud to announce several employees furthering their education in law enforcement. In January, three employees of the Bates County Sheriffs Office and one volunteer of the Bates County Sheriffs Posse, began the process of an eleven month commitment to become certified Police Officers.

The training culminated on December 4th with the Graduation of Class 188 of the Missouri Sheriffs Association Training Academy in Clinton Missouri. The three employees are; Brian Bearce, who currently works at the 911 Director; Jalyn Rosier, who was a Dispatcher/Administrative staff; Jared Denham, who currently works as a Corrections Officer; The Sheriffs Posse member; Brad Page, who served several years as Posse President and was the Co-Founder of the SheriffsPosse.

Brian Bearce will continue to oversee the 911 services in Bates County. Jalyn Rosier accepted a position with the Vernon County Sheriffs Office on November 29th. Jared Denham will continue his position as a Corrections Officer until he can advance to a Deputy position. Brad Page will continue to work full time for KCP&L and will be a part time Deputy as his schedule will allow.

“I am extremely proud of these individuals for their dedication to themselves and the community they intend to serve. “ said Sheriff Anderson. “It has been a long road for each of them since they all have full time jobs and attended school during off duty hours. I have watched each of them grow professionally and wish them the best of luck in the future.”

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