Wednesday, December 4, 2013


 The Butler Christmas Parade is soon approaching and here is the tentative agenda for Saturday, December 7th
Line up for the parade will be at 5pm in the south parking lot of the Butler High School. The judging will be done in designated sections of the south parking lot beginning at 5:30pm. Even if you don’t make it to the judging, you are still free to participate in the parade.
The winners of the Little Miss Snowflake and Little Jack Frost will be announced at 5pm at the Bandstand on the Butler Square. The Community Choir Caroling will be at 5:15 and everyone is welcome to participate in the Choir. The Community Church Service will begin at 5:45pm.
The parade will leave the school at 6pm and make its way to the Butler Square. Everyone is asked to line up on the east side of Fulton facing north to head to the square.
Santa will be turning on the Christmas lights for the season and everyone is invited to come and enjoy the kick off for the Christmas Season at the Butler Christmas Parade December 7th.

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