Wednesday, December 4, 2013


 In Butler City Council news, City Administrator Mark Arbuthnot has “dropped the other shoe,” as he has presented a letter to Mayor Don Malan and the Council that his last day on the job will be this December 6th. In the letter, Mark said, “I appreciate having been given the opportunity to work for the City and to serve its citizens over the past five years and seven months. He continued, “I have enjoyed working with the Mayor, City Council, board members and its employees. Together we have helped to make butler a better place for all of us to work and live.” Mark closed the letter with the comment, “Butler is a great
community that has a bright future.”
Mayor Don Malan had all good things to say about Mark. Of course he’s sorry to see Mark retiring and he’ll not only be missed; he’ll be hard to replace. Mayor Malan said, “It’s been my pleasure to work with him…he’s been a great colleague and associate during these almost six years he’s been with us. The City Council and I wish him the very best.”

In connection with that, Art Davis, the consultant who has been hired by the City to assist with the recruitment of a new City Administrator, was at the meeting to review the community profile as well as the selection process and schedule.
Meanwhile, the Council appointed the City Clerk Casey Koehn and Fire Chief Jim Henry as co-administrators until a new City Administrator is appointed. Casey will be doing the office work, and Jim Henry handling outside work.

Consultant Art Davis will be working with the Council in finding a replacement for Mark.
In other Council activity, they extended Spud Welston’s contract for another five years, for Bates County Disposal to handle Butler’s trash pickup.

The Council also approved the Chamber of Commerce’s request to combine Huckster’s Day with the fall Barbeque, to be held on the Butler square September 5th
and 6th of next year.
And for your information, the heads of the City’s various committees have been named for the coming year:
Community Development: David Brown, Chairman
City Owned Facilities: Thom Burg, Chairman
Finance Committee: Harold Weil, Chairman
Personnel: Brian Phillips, Chairman
Operations: David Brown, Chairman
Public Safety: Brian Phillips, Chairman
Vision Committee: Brian Phillips, Chairman
Boards and Commissions Council Representatives include:
Harold Weil, Airport Commission
Terry Agnew, Cemetery Commission
Brian Phillips and Harold Weil, Industrial Marketing Commission
Brian Phillips, Planning Commission
David Brown, Parks and Recreation Commission
Brian Phillips, Zoning Board of Adjustment

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