Thursday, December 5, 2013


When you reach the age of 87 you enter a phase of your life where you depend on those that love you to help you with your basic needs. We get wrapped up in our busy lives and forget those that were such a strong influence during our young adult years. We love them but lose contact with them and the elderly just disappear.
This is Melody Thornton and I have been made aware of a need in our community, the person that needs our help this Christmas… is someone close to my heart and many of us that grew up in Butler. The lady we talk about today is not our maternal Grandmother… but there are hundreds of us out there that know her …..and call her Granny…
We are reaching out today to the friends, of Mary Holcomb… she may of served you your first Granny Burger or thumped you on the ear for cussing…. Any way you look at it… she was a grandma to us all. Mary Holcomb is now residing in an assisted living residence in Adrian is in desperate need of dental surgery, dentures and a hearing aid. The cost is over $2000.00. Medicare will not pay for this much needed surgery. Granny lives on $35.00 per month and without our help, will continue to suffer with dental pain and the need for dentures.
I am sending plea to those that know and love this woman, those that she has cooked for, listened to, given advice to and served the famous Granny Burgers ….
Let’s cowboy up and donate to the love fund created at Community First Bank in Butler. With our help “Granny" will receive her dental surgery, dentures and hearing aid. Let’s show her we still care and donate in any amount to help reach this $2000 dollar goal for Mary Holcomb.
Donations may be sent or dropped off at Community First Bank in Butler/ Laura Fritts, in care of “Mary Holcomb Love Fund”. We will keep you posted on donations received and our goal process as we raise the funds to meet this goal.
Merry Christmas Granny from all of us that love you!

Courtesy of 92.1 KMOE

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