Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Fm92 has been made aware that scam artists have been busy recently hacking into the e-mails of several Bates County Citizens. A recent e-mail was sent out and on the surface appeared to be genuine stating the sender of the e-mail was in trouble and needed help desperately. The e-mail further stated that wallets, valuables and passports had been stolen and was in desperate need and could you please send them money as soon as possible. ...The e-mail was a hoax. Beware of e-mails that ask you to send money to help them out, always verify any and all information and never respond before checking your facts.

 The e-mails usually go out to all the people in your contact list and your e-mail and perhaps even your Facebook page have been compromised, many times before you are even aware of it.

 Guard your personal information and always make sure what you are responding to is the genuine article. Scam artists don’t care who they hurt, next time it could be you.

Courtesy of FM 92.1 newsroom

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