Diana L Rich , Clerk
March 10 - 14, 2014
Keagan McWhorter v Michael
McWhorter, Petition for Dissolution of
Marriage filed.
David Edward Romans a//k/a
David Edward Hutchinson, Petition for Change of Name filed.
St v. David W McKinney,
probation revoked, previous sentence of 5 years invoked, 120 day call back option retained.
St v. Wiliam N Brown,
probation revoked, court orders previous sentence of 7 years in MDOC invoked,
court retains jurisdiction under 559 120 ITC.
St v. Robert W Grubb, I:
Felony possession of controlled substance-marijuana; II: Felony possession of controlled
substance—marijuana; guilty plea, sentenced to 7 years in MODOC, given SES,
placed on 5 years probation.
St v. Robert W Grubb, I:
Felony possession of controlled substance, marijuana; II: Felony unlawful use
of a weapon; guilty plea, sentenced to 7 yrs in MDOC, given SES, placed on 5
years probation.
St v Billy W Carter, I:
Felony trafficking in stolen identities, amended to forgery; II: Felony
possession of controlled substance, marijuana, dismissed; guilty plea,
sentenced to 5 years in MDOC.
St v. James McDonald, Felony
receiving stolen property,probation revoked, previous sentence imposed, Court
retains jurisdiction on 120 day call back.
St v. Mary Phelps, I: Felony
possession of controlled substance, marijuana; II: Felony theft/stealing,
dismissed, guilty plea, given SIS, placed on 5 years supervised probation, to
perform 200 hours of community service, pay court costs.
St v. Michael T Sarcinelli,
Felony tampering with motor vehicle,
guilty plea, given SIS, placed on 5 years supervised probation.
St v. Michael T Sarcinelli,
Felony assault/attempted assault of a Law Enforcement Officer, guilty plea, given SIS, placed on 5 years
supervised probation.
St v. David A Stone, Felony
possession of controlled substance, marijuana,
guilty plea , given SIS, placed on 5 years supervised probation, to
perform 200 hours of community service, pay court costs.
Randy E Pippin v Carol A
Pippin, Petition for Dissolution of Marriage filed.
St v. Eric R Kerr, I: Felony
tampering with motor vehicle, II: Felony leaving scene of vehicle accident;
III: Misd DWI; IV: Misd. C & I;
found guilty, sentenced to MDOC for 5 years, placed 5 years supervised
probation, pay court costs.
St v. Jeramiah D Meade, Felony assault, amended to Misd., guilty plea.
St v. Jeramiah D Meade, I:
Felony assault, II: Misd assault, case dismissed by State.
St v. Daniel B Meek, I:
Felony assault/attempted assault—Law Enforcement Officer; II: Felony assault/attempted assault – Law
Enforcement Officer, III: Felony unlawful use of a weapon, guilty plea,
sentenced to 6 mos in BC Jail, given SES, placed on 2 years probation, to
perform 40 hours of community service, pay court costs.
St v. George Edward Curtis,
I: Felony unlawful use of a weapon; II: Felony unlawful possession, transporet,
manufacture, repair or sale of an illegal weapon; guilty plea, sentenced to MODOC 4 years,
given SES, placed on 5 years probation , to perform 40 hours of community
service, pay court costs.
St v. Stormy B Miller, I:
Felony resisting arrest—guilty plea, sentenced to 4 years in MDOC, II: Felony assault—guilty plea,
sentenced to 5 years in MDOC, given SES, placed on 5 years supervised
probation, pay court costs.
St v. David W McKinney, I:
Felony distribution of controlled substance,
guilty plea, sentenced to 5 yrs in MDOC, jurisdiction retained for 120
day call back, pay court costs.