Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Patricia Pike has officially filed for candidacy
The wife of the late 126th District State Represenative, Randy Pike, has officially filed for candidacy for that same seat on the November 4th general election ballot. Patricia Pike, of Adrian, officially filed for candidacy on October 1st at the Missouri Secretary of State's office in Jefferson City with her mother-in-law, Nelda Pike, and former State Representative, Barney Fisher, serving as witnesses. Her name will appear as the Republican candidate for the 126th district serving Vernon and Bates counties.
Patricia Pike filed for election after winning the nomination from the 126th District Republican Committee following Randy Pike's unexpected passing. She says the timing was difficult to make the decision to run, but said her late husband's passion to serve the people of the district was her passion as well and added her election would ensure a smooth continuation of services for the district.
Patricia Pike is a graduate of the University of Central Missouri with a Master's Degree in Education and has 7-12 School Counseling Certification. Pike will be opposed by Democrat, Sam Foursha, and Constitution Party candidate, William Gilmore, in the November 4th general election.