Vernon County Sheriff reduces CCW fee, encourages law abiding citizens to carry guns
Vernon County Sheriff Jason Mosher announced this week that he will be lowing the cost of the CCW permit fee at the Sheriff’s Office for the foreseeable future. The Sheriff said the current amount has been $100 but will now be lowered to $65. “We are living in troubling times that appear to be growing more and more dangerous. We want to encourage citizens to exercise their legal right to carry and protect their families and property” said Mosher.
The Sheriff said state law requires money received from CCW permit fees be placed in a “CCW Fund” and be used to help offset the cost of processing the CCW permits. The Sheriff said there is now enough money in the fund to repair or replace any damaged equipment so the cost can be lowered.
The Sheriff said he planned to start the new rate January first of 2016, but due to recent events around the country decided to make the changes effective immediately.
Currently CCW permits are good for 5 years before needing to be renewed.