Monday, January 30, 2017

Burglary in rural Amsterdam

On January 25, 2017 a Deputy responded to County Road 11002 in Amsterdam, MO to take a report of theft from their barn. The victim advised the Deputy that several items had been stolen from her barn the previous night. The Deputy observed a distinct shoe print in the mud south of the barn. The print did not match the shoes of the victim. 

The Bates County Detectives were called to the scene. The Deputy observed a socket set approximately 20 yards west of their mailbox. It appeared to have been dropped by the suspect. The victim stated it had been in her barn. 

The Deputy also located an Impact gun on the side of the road that the victim also advised had been in her barn.

A suspect has been identified in this case. But at this time the Deputy has not been able to make contact with the suspect.

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