Monday, January 30, 2017

Vandalism and Property Damage in Worland Area

On January 24th a subject came to the Bates County Sheriff’s Office to make a report of property damage and vandalism. The subject owns the majority of the land west of the railroad tracks from south of Worland to County Road 6508. 

He discovered that his Case Excavator had been vandalized. The cost to repair the damages to the Excavator was $1775.12. His Takeuchi Skid Loader was also vandalized. 

Someone poured water into the fuel tank causing $145.16 worth of damage. The fuel tanks on his Ford F350 had also been tampered with. 

The victim had placed several trail cameras on his property. He is attempting to get the video footage of the suspects.

If you have any information on this case please call the Bates County Sheriff's Office at 660-679-3232.

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