Friday, February 10, 2017

MoDot Southwest Road Report 2/10/17

Bates County:
* Route 18: One-lane traffic in areas between Route FF and Missouri/Kansas state line east of Adrian. Repairing roadway edges.

* Various Routes: One-lane traffic, slow-moving train of work trucks and crews and equipment close to traffic. Repairing approaches, filling potholes, cutting brush and repairing and replacing signs.

Henry County:
* Route 52: One-lane traffic in areas between Clinton and Windsor. Smoothing pavement.

* Routes F and NN: One-lane traffic and slow-moving train of work trucks in various locations. Shoulder work.

* Various routes: One-lane traffic and slow-moving train of work trucks in various locations. Repairing approaches.

Vernon County:
* Route 54: One-lane traffic in areas between Missouri/Kansas state line and Vernon/Cedar county near Nevada. Sealing pavement.

* I-49: One northbound lane closed over the railroad tracks in Nevada. Mile Marker 102. Bridge work.

* Route AA: One-lane traffic in areas between Chouteau Road and Main Street near Schell City. Chipping brush.

* Various routes: One-lane traffic and slow-moving train of work trucks in various locations. Repairing approaches and cutting brush.

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