Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Update on Kameron Williams 2/14/17

Goodmorning #kamsfam. I wanted to give you a quick update. I apologize it has been awhile since I have updated you. I had become a little superstitious. Seemed liked each positive update was followed with a fallback. 

Kam is doing better and making progress. He has a lung infection that has been a major struggle to beat his white count did go down from 17 to 12 yesterday. Progress!! He had a chest x-rays this morning we are awaiting results. Kam passed a swallow test yesterday that allows for him to eat pureed foods and drink liquids with the trach. Once his Dr reviews today's imaging we hope to know more. 

He is always in good spirits and has Ben able to read some of the cards you have sent.... He smiled a hundred times while reading them!! Thank you for reaching out and making Kameron smile 😃 best gift ever!!!!!!# #kamsfam - Courtesy of Heather Kam's mom

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