Monday, April 17, 2017

Grand Marshall for the 41st Annual Amsterdam Jubilee

Drum Roll please!!! The Amsterdam Jubilee Committee is ready to annouce the Grand Marshall for the 41st Annual Amsterdam Jubilee. Ladies and Gentlemen!! We are PROUD to annouce that Sue Erickson will serve as our 2017 Amsterdam Jubilee Grand Marshall! Sue is a life long resident of Amsterdam. Her family is deep rooted. Her parents Dale and Nina Burch raised their family in Amsterdam and Sue Married Duane "Dutchie" Erickson, who's parents, Clarence and Celita, owned and operated Erickson's General Store. Sue and Dutchie raised their family in Amsterdam as well. Stormy, Buddy and Dea. All graduates from Miami. She is the grandmother of 9 and Great Grandmother of 2. Thank you Sue for all you have done for the city of Amsterdam, The Miami School and of course the Amsterdam Jubilee. Come celebrate with Sue and all of us at the 41st Annual Amsterdam Jubilee on September 23rd!

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