Sunday, May 7, 2017

From the desk of Harrisonville Mayor Brian Hasek

Historic Harrisonville Square 
As the Mayor I am often criticized for my actions, not everyone is always happy with what you do. I have learned to accept this and understand that it is part of the job. People are entitled to their opinion. However, when another elected official is being critical and not sharing all the facts I feel it is necessary to set the record straight.

Alderman Judy Bowman has been critical of late about her townhall meetings no longer being advertised on the city's media. Anyone who does not know, I recently instructed staff to cease advertising these meetings on any city media and for good reason. I have learned that legally the city cannot be advertising meetings like this. Let's start at the begging with this to get the whole picture.

Two years ago shortly after the election Alderman Bowman decided to host periodic townhall meetings. Somehow these ended up being advertised on the city media. I was never told why or how they got on there, but did not see a harm at that time so I did not make an issue of it.

However, I have received several complaints from citizens asking why these were advertised on city media. I did some research which consisted of a discussion with a representative of the Attorney Generals office and the city attorney. What I found out is that these meetings are not considered a meeting of the city because an Alderman cannot hold a city meeting alone but only as a quorum (5), but are private meetings hosted by an elected official and could be interpreted as Political in nature. It is not appropriate for the City to advertise private meetings for individuals, but it is illegal to advertise a meeting that could be considered political. That is why I instructed the staff to cease advertisement of these meetings.

In fact Alderman Boman overstepped her bounds by having these advertised on city media in the first place. Alderman do not have the authority to direct staff as individuals, only as a properly convened quorum of board members with a majority vote. As the Mayor it is my job to be sure the city is following the law and rules that govern us. So I was simply doing my job. Alderman Bowman has not tried to contact me regarding this matter or ask me about it at a meeting.

I would think you would start with discussing the matter with me before you go advertising to the public that you have no idea why they were pulled from city media.

Hopefully this answers anybody who might of had a question about this matter and clears the air. As always, remember if we all work together the best days of Harrisonville are ahead of us. Thank you.

Courtesy of Brian Hasek, Mayor of Harrisonville Facebook Page

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