Monday, June 12, 2017

Rich Hill man arrested for 2nd Degree assault

On June 8th a Deputy was dispatched to Bates County Memorial Hospital to take an assault report. The victim stated that he had been assaulted by Lance Breckenridge (DOB 6/7/86) of Rich Hill. 

The victim said Breckenridge came by their place of employment to show off his new truck. 

The victim left his work bay along with everyone else to see the new truck. When the victim started to return to his work bay, Breckenridge started yelling at him for not being in his work bay. Breckenridge hit him with a closed fist on the side of his face. 

The victim stated he pushed a creeper in front of Breckenridge to try to get away from him. After Breckenridge hit the victim a second time he fell to the ground. Breckenridge they jumped on top of him and hit him a few more times. The victim thought the assault was over so he moved his hands from his face, Breckenridge then brought his boot down on the victim’s head causing his head to slam into the concrete.

The Deputy then made contact with Breckenridge at his residence in Rich Hill. Breckenridge was taken into custody and was transported to the Bates County Jail where the Deputy questioned him about the assault. Breckenridge said that he noticed the victim was not doing his work and pushed him back towards his bay. He said the victim pushed him back and that is when he hit him on the side of his face. Breckenridge stated that the victim pushed a creeper in between them and the victim struck him in the abdominal region causing him pain. He said the victim grabbed him and started to fall to the ground pulling him down with him. Breckenridge stated that he did not recall striking the victim with his boot.

Lance Breckenridge was charged with Assault in the 2nd Degree. His bond was set at $10,000 cash or surety.

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